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Creating a use-case.rst

File metadata and controls

153 lines (120 loc) · 6.03 KB

Creating a use-case

To have a new use-case, you need to prepare a DAG file and a configuration file.

DAG file


This section will not explain how to create a DAG file from scratch. You can review already created examples in Multi Modelling Model Repository. Apache Airflow Documentation provides more generic information on DAGs.

Airflow DAGs are defined in Python language. These are regular .py files and they have to be placed under a folder in the dags directory in Model-Orchestrator. These DAGs must contain the definitions of the **task**s that will run consecutively. A task can be created with the Operator classes of Airflow.

Example use-cases use PythonOperator s for most of their tasks, which they are generic for this project. These operators are subroutine_initialize, subroutine_computation and subroutine_finalize.

A task that uses subroutine_initialize operator has to be created. In the examples, it is named as Initialize. For subroutine_finalize operator, the task in the examples is Finalize. For each step that is going to require an interaction with a Model Adapter, we need a separate task that utilises subroutine_computation.

This is an example task called My_model, which utilises subroutine_computation:

My_model = PythonOperator(dag=dag,

Note that there is no information on configuration and how to use the model. These are going to be provided with a configuration file and will be referenced with the name of the task. In this case, this is My_model.

Finally, tasks order can be defined with >> operator. The task on the right side of the operator will run after the one on the left side. Example:

Initialize >> My_model >> Finalize

This will trigger Initialize first, then My_model, and finally Finalize.

Repeating tasks

If a task, or group of multiple tasks needs to be repeated in the DAG, a function that returns the running order of one repetition can be created as follows:

def group(number, **kwargs):
    dyn_value = "{{ task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids='push_func') }}"

    with TaskGroup(group_id=f'Iteration_{number}') as tg1:
        t1 = PythonOperator(dag=dag,

        t2 = PythonOperator(dag=dag,

        t1 >> t2

    return tg1

Then repetition can be achieved as in the following example:

prev = Initialize >> Task_A
iters = 2
for i in range(1,iters+1):
    item = group(i)
    if prev is not None:
        prev >> item
    prev = item
prev >> Task_B >> Finalize

The running order will be: Initialize, Task_A, First_repeated_task_1, Second_repeated_task_1, First_repeated_task_2 Second_repeated_task_2, Task_B, Finalize.

Configuration file

This file includes configuration information about a specific run of a use-case. It is written in JSON format. It consists of 4 sections:

  1. metadata section includes information to identify a task. These are: experiment, project, run, scenario and user. The directory going to be used in Minio for input/output files is selected according to the values under the metadata.
  2. modules includes the address of the Model Registry.
  3. databases holds a dictionary of connection parameters for each of the databases going to be used by models.
  4. tasks holds a dictionary of the configuration of each task in the DAG that this configuration is going to be used with. Key of the dictionary item has to be mach with task name in the DAG. Contents of the model_config key is specific to the model that is going to be used.

Example configuration:

    "metadata": {
        "experiment": "Trial_1",
        "project": "tholen",
        "run": "MM_workflow_run_1",
        "scenario": "v05-26kw",
        "user": "mmvib"
    "modules": {
        "model_registry": "http://mmvib-registry:9200/registry/"
    "databases": {
        "Influx": {
            "api_addr": "influxdb:8086",
            "db_config": {
                "db_name": "energy_profiles",
                "use_ssl": false
        "Minio": {
            "api_addr": "minio:9000",
            "db_config": {
                "access_key": "admin",
                "secret_key": "password",
                "secure": false
    "tasks": {
        "Task_A": {
            "api_id": "Model_A",
            "model_config": {
                "input_esdl_file_path": "test/input.esdl",
                "output_esdl_file_path": "test/1/output.esdl"
            "type": "computation"
        "Task_B": {
            "api_id": "Model_B",
            "model_config": {
                "action": "some_action",
                "action_config": {
                    "some_action": {
                        "input_esdl_file_path": "test/1/output.esdl",
                        "output_esdl_file_path": "test/2/output.esdl"
                "some_config": {
                    "some_val": "sample"
            "type": "computation"